
Don't mess with Judge Dredd. Cause he is The Law.
Source: Judge Dredd created by John Wagner And Carlos Ezquerra.
#JudgeDredd #2000AD #BritishComics #EuroComics #EuropeanComics

Chris Bond

In celebration of the birthday of @neilhimself here is the first page of the first of four one-issue short stories he penned as part of the Tharg's Future-Shocks series. This one is from Prog 488 of 2000AD, published on the 20th of September, 1986: "You're Never Alone With A Phone!" Script by Neil Gaiman with artwork by the late John Hicklenton and lettering by Tom Frame. #NeilGaiman #2000AD


I haven't posted this since I migrated to this server, but my username comes from British weekly sci-fi comic #2000AD and the "credit card" they had in their strips back in the day that listed the creators of each story

You may know it as the home of Judge Dredd

It's been in print every week since 1977, and I have every issue (all 2300+ of them)


No-one in particular.

Mainly stuff about British comics (ok it's #2000AD), #retrogaming from the early to mid 80s UK microcomputer boom, popular science / rationalism, will share the UK popular cultural archive but not a poem remembering the Milk In A Bottle, #DoctorWho always, #DataAnalysis and #DataScience for work and sometimes for fun. Formerly @mstdn.social, migrated to @mastodonapp.uk 26/04/23 -- I find the Local timeline is a bit more UK-relatable

Trevor Van As

D'Israeli is such an underrated artist. #comics #art #2000ad

Robert Belton

Looking up Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock I stumbled on this documentary.
So I had some 70s nostalgia instead. I bought issue 1 at the newsstand.

Splundig Vur Thrigg


#2000AD #JudgeDread #70s

James Swallow

Writing #JudgeDredd was a ton of fun for a life-long #2000AD reader like myself! Sadly, the @bigfinish audios are no longer available, but they still turn up on eBay & in local libraries. Read more about my @2000AD stories here: jswallow.com/book-series/2000a (art by @henryflintZ) 3/3

PJ Holden

#introduction #intro - Hi! I'm PJ Holden, #2000ad #comicArtist and all round decent egg. You might have seen my work on #JudgeDredd or #SoulPlumber or working with #GarthEnnis on a variety of war stories.

I have a patreon where I show behind the scenes art and keep a work journal - patreon.com/pauljholden
A blog -
A Portfolio -

I have a largely atrophied twitter profile here (but I wouldn't recommend twitter)


#intro post time

I'm a 47yo professional creative & graphic designer, in advertising for ~20 years

#LibDem activist, political pragmatist. Firmly liberal left, pro-European, woke, pro LGB with the T

The tories have gone. Rejoice! #Harris2024

#Atheist #Skeptic

New music (all sorts), video games, #bass player, #DIY/house renovator, #2000AD, PT #Masters #GraphicDesign student, occasional runner and martial artist (TCMA)

2 children (f), 1 wife (f), 1 spaniel (m)


There will be #swears

Feb 15, 2023, 17:32 · · · 1 · 0

Here's some pics of Judge Cassandra Anderson from the Judge Dredd Comics and 2000AD.
#JudgeAnderson #JudgeDredd #2000AD #BritishComics #EuropeanComics

Tim Gent

An Introduction

#Introduction. Hi, I'm a #mathematician working in #TransportModelling. I try to understand how people travel. Built an #OpenCanoe & will talk about it any opportunity.

#TransportPlanning #ZeroCarbon #OperationalResearch #FiftySomething
Love #ScienceFiction #SciFi #DoctorWho #Blakes7 #BritBox
#GraphicNovels #Comics #2000AD #Sandman
#Brexit is awful but let's not be tribal about it.
Will vote #TaxMeMore, I can take it others can't. #Privileged
#InformedDebate welcome.

Pixel Bandits :verified:

I've been exceptionally luck within my #EliteDangerous journey, to meet some exceptional people and have some incredible experiences.

One of my favourites is still this unique picture by #2000AD artist Robin Smith, taken from the Elite #SciFi #TTRPG

This one depicts two of our PBSF in-game faction members (one of them me!) going up against a mech with guns blazing.

I've got a framed copy up on my wall and it remains one of my favourite pieces of #Comic / #Graphicnovel #art ever <3

Arthur Wyatt

New #introduction for pinning...

I'm Arthur Wyatt, I'm from the UK but live in #seattle now, my day job is #softwareDevelopment but I also do #writing #comics, most prominently #judgeDredd for #2000AD but also some other stuff, generally #sciFi or #horror.

I also have #cats and, more rarely seen online, 2 kids.


Another instance, another #introduction! I like #dogs I chat about #weird things like #taxidermy
I like loads of music from #heavymetal to #indiefolk with #synthpop in the mix too. I like #poetry, #art, #nature and nice people. I collect porcelain and glass animals. I read and love Sir Terry Pratchett #pratchett #discworld
I like #graphicnovels and #comics, especially #deadpool, #deathstroke and #judgedredd #2000ad and #vampires
I get angry about stuff