🌹🔪Big Tuff Al🌹💪

Hey does anybody know if Godzilla 2 War of the Monsters on NES ever got a JP/ Famicom release?

The box says made in Japan.

#monsterdon #godzilla #kaiju #toho

Today On Screen

Today, February 17, in 1860, at nine in the morning, thirty-two men gather at the Sagamiya tea house in Shinagawa to speculate about a spy who has infiltrated their group (Samurai Assassin, 1965)

#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #SamuraiAssassin #Toho


#水橋パルスィ #イラスト #東方 #東方Project #toho #tohoproject #ParseeMizuhashi #fanart #illustration #art
【カラーイラスト集(受注製本)】パルスィボン2(東方project) | tomekami shop! tomekami.booth.pm/items/641191 #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY


#水橋パルスィ #イラスト #東方 #東方Project #toho #tohoproject #ParseeMizuhashi #fanart #illustration #art
【カラーイラスト集(受注製本)】パルスィボン(東方project) | tomekami shop! tomekami.booth.pm/items/409919 #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY

tomekami:irai_bosyuu_tyuu: Skeb & FANBOX

今年秋の第十一回博麗神社秋季例大祭にて #パルスィ赤面合同 に参加させていただきました。
#水橋パルスィ #イラスト #東方 #東方Project #toho #tohoproject #ParseeMizuhashi #fanart #illustration #art

tomekami:irai_bosyuu_tyuu: Skeb & FANBOX



#水橋パルスィ #Tシャツ #東方 #東方Project #toho #tohoproject #ParseeMizuhashi #booth_pm


I'm currently watchin' The Toho/Capcom Collab Tokusatsu Henshin Super Show from the 90s. Specifically 1996. Shichisei Toshin Guyferd (Shichisei Tōshin Guyferd) aka Seven Star Fighting God Guyferd. I'm really enjoyin' it so far. Especially for the Fight Choreography. Which has the Feel Of Japanese Full Contact Karate. It's definitely inspired by The Two Manga Series Bio Booster Armor Guyver And Hokuto No Ken aka Fist Of The North Star.
#ShichiseiTōshinGuyferd #ShichiseiToshinGuyferd #Guyferd #七星闘神ガイファード #Toho #東宝 #Capcom #カプコン #Tokusatsu #特撮

J. Steven York RESISTS

Today I discovered that the 1959 movie #BattleInOuterSpace includes what may be the first instance of a sci-fi movie destroying the #GoldenGate Bridge. Super impressed that they open with a model of the Round House Cafe, a historic art deco building next to the south toll plaza. You can see the styrofoam when the towers break, but the model, with moving tiny cars, is a thing of aged beauty.

#toho #scifi #scifimovies #movieminatures #modelbuilding #sanfrancisco