Jkid the Otakugrapher

Anime Matsuri, a convention held in houston texas, has taken the Unprecedented move of founding their own anime dubbing studio, with Vic Mignogna as ADR Director ,and bringing with him a slew of alumni from Funimation Studios (now known as Crunchyroll Studios). The Convention Runners (also the con owners) John and Denise are the executive producers of both anime (Zip! Shimezo and Genbanojo). And they will be dubbing more anime in the future as they are acquiring more licenses for anime as we speak.

#animeconventions #AnimeMatsuri #vicmignogna #anime #animenews
Mr. Famardy
Vic Mignogna has a far kinder soul than most people on the face of the planet. The actor has endured an entire year's worth of libel, slander, defamation, and unsubstantiated accusations that have cost him several jobs and appearances at some anime conventions. #DragonBallSuperBroly #IndustryNews #KitchenerComicCon #IStandWithVic #VicMignogna

#KickVic Harassers Defame Kitchener Comic Con For Inviting Vic Mignogna

Vic Mignogna has a far kinder soul than most people…

One Angry Gamer