Helldiver Liberator

The one thing we should learn about Vic Mignogna's cancellation throughout these years is that it pretty much opened a can of worms for the companies Vic used to work at, such as Funimation and Rooster Teeth, which are full of degenerates! #IStandWithVic #KickVic #ISWV

Helldiver Liberator

Once again, MarzGurl is playing the victim of ISWV harassing her on Bluesky. Yet, she still refuses to accept accountability for gaslighting and slandering Vic, even though she started this whole feud with him in the first place!

#ISWV #KickVic #IStandWithVic #MarzGurl #Bluesky

Helldiver Liberator

Seriously @MarzGurl, how much of a cunt do you have to be by encouraging people to disinvite Vic at any cons for the past five years now?
#IStandWithVic #ISWV #KickVic

Freespeechextremist censors my posts
Manosphere #IStandWithVic libtards mad that you can't molest children in public and fuck everything that moves while maintaining a positive reputation and work connections were always significantly more cringe and vile than #KickVic trannies and feminists.
@Kyonko802 @MoeBritannica i agree, but it would be hypocritical of me to take the accuser's side in a #metoo situation when there's no concrete proof of sexual misconduct, creepy gay sex pest or not. sure flies in the face of #kickvic, eh?
What did the woman do?
She doesn't hate Vic Mignona.

No really, because she's not a #kickvic she deserves rape, I guess?
Looks like #KickVic is coming after Gawr Gura fans now. These radical feminists are the same people that got Vic kicked from Funimation.

Once crying "muh soggy knees" doesn't work anymore, they cry "pedophilia" and hoping they can goad the auth-right tradcucks into doing their bidding.

Kuri Rinji | VTuber & Fan Cringe/Drama🌰 on Twitter

“Would be cool if things that are the next contentious…

@ChristiJunior Wow the guy that turned #KickVic into a grift is showing a lack of spine, who would have thought
Alyx Vance
There are probably more things in that list that are completely irrelevent, but who the fuck cares anymore.
The #KickVic crowd has lost big time this battle.
@igeljaeger @matrix

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 3, 2019

This is what a victim looks like, goy.

Zoe Quinn triggered #gamergate in 2014 after it was discovered that she was sleeping with gaming journalists in order to get good reviews for her crappy fake video games.

Now, hard-up for cash, sheâs returned to kill a man with accusations of walking her by the pussy.

If this doesnât cause gamers to rise up, then I donât know what will.

Longtime Zoe Quinn fansite The Ralph Retort is on the case:

<> Zoe Quinn, former nude model, failed game developer, successful scammer, and professional victim is back for a new hashtag movement.

Not #GamerGate or #GamerGate2.0, but instead #ZoeBodyCount.

She has decided to screw the optics, go in, subscribe to PewDiePie, and embrace infamy by publicly leveling unsubstantiated claims of sexual and emotional abuse against a real game developer, Alec Holowka of Night in the Woods fame.<>

We here at TheRalphRetort.com are confident that these claims are in no way related to the fact that her Patreon earnings are down significantly, the rumors that she spent all $80,000 of her Kickstarter money a year ago while vacationing in Japan, and is allegedly broke.

All of these financial difficulties are in spite of her landing jobs at IDW Publishing and Marvel Comics, where she is currently writing for Hellcat instead of the more apt Black Widow.

Feeling that her new jobs and supplementary $1,000 a month in Patreon bucks would not be enough to keep her in the lifestyle sheâs accustomed to, she demonstrated the skills of her profession by levying serious allegations that will permanently alter the life of another human being on Twitter dot com.

Her most prominent abuse allegation was that Mr. Holowka grabbed her by the pussy and used it to lead her around their shared Winnipeg apartment.

As the week continued, in a scenario that in no way mirrors the fraudulent #KickVic or Andy Signore cancel callouts, colleagues of the Unburnt Witch Ms. Quinn came forward to âcorroborateâ her claims while refusing to provide any actual evidence.

The ensuing firestorm and pieces from artificial consensus manufacturing outlets like Newsweek, Vice, The Daily Dot, and The Verge led to Holowka being removed from the studio he co-founded.

Being fired from his own company, having his name publicly dragged through the mud, and with a history of abuse and mental illness, he unfortunately decided to pull an Etika.

âPulling an Etikaâ means âan hero,â which means suicide. The poor bastard killed himself because he was being harassed by this terrible wench.<>

Needless to say, the fact that the man accused suicided isnât working out too well for Zoe.

Sheâs already deleted her Twitter and gone into hiding (something which she would have done a long time ago if she had any basic dignity). (Cont/)



Skyranger Q400, Model Citizen

@Deedsynth I thought Monty Oum's passing was the worst that would happen. Then they joined the #KickVic bandwagon and sacked Vic Mignogna (the voice of Qrow). And now...this.

Literally Weaponized Autism
Another blog post incoming.

The Kiwifarms instance was a mistake, because their presence reminded me that there was an excellent place to crosscheck for dramawhores and I ended up getting sucked into gawking at human trainwrecks for far too long.

What started this whole chain of events was that one of my RL friends who is very active in cons and whatnot (I suppose you could say he's something of a "professional otaku") retweeted Jamie Marchi being her usual exceptional self, what with it having been a day ending in "y". It seems that over the last few days he un-retweeted it probably because the tweet she was flailing at is no longer available (it was from the parody account, which naturally has been suspended. Twitter never learns; there's just going to be a new one in a week or so, I'm sure) I'll be honest, it's not yet another instance of Airport's Law; he genuinely thinks he's "making cons a safe place for wamminz". (Let's forget it was mostly teenage girls who were attending anime cons for years) That didn't mean that I wanted NPC retweets shitting up my professional timeline, though. (I prefer to keep my professional and social lives separate, thank you very much) I've since un-followed him until I can manage to de-program him again, but not before being sorely tempted to link him via DM something to clue him in about what kind of toxic, outright insane people he's attempting to virtue signal. And so, the instance reminded me I had easy access to a reliable drama archive.

I was not disappointed. I thought that Mad Madam Marchi might have been mentioned in passing in a weeb drama thread, because to be quite frank, English VAs are nobodies in the wide world of North American culture. That's why it came as something of a surprise that she had a thread of her own, and I had been mistaken that my opinion of her couldn't possibly go any lower. Where I went wrong, however, was playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with the #KickVic cesspit...and stumbled onto Shane Holmberg. I'm sure the Kiwi Farmers reading this can see where this might be going.

There comes a point where lolcow antics stop being funny and become horrifying. English VAs in general have at least a little bit of crazy in them, but lately it's seemed more and more of them have been veering into Sarah Hoyt's "insane crazy" and even "bad crazy" when it comes to ruining the lives of strangers, friends, and family members alike. I might understand why. As Hoyt mentions, insane-crazy is pathological and capable of spreading to otherwise healthy individuals. Looking back on my own life, I've seen that happen to me. I'm not normally drama-prone, but in hanging around others online who might not have necessarily been the vector but had otherwise been contaminated, I've done a number of things that I even wondered in the middle of the drama I was swept up in "What the actual fuck am I doing?"

If it's that bad even in just an online community, it's probably far worse when you're dealing with an insane-crazy vector within an offline community. It's probably why my RL friend, whom I have tried beating over the head with the fact that most women are actually *less* likely to "feel safe" if he keeps retweeting women and troons that most women think are exceptional individuals, remains easily infected and becomes contaminated all over again when he returns to the abyss. The English VA scene has essentially become a leper colony for exceptional individuals.

Meanwhile, in Japan, VA crazy is the fun kind.



CRIMINAL SCUM!! #KickVic goes CRIMINAL! Antifa and the other violent masked fuckwits need to be locked up!