Roger Adolfsson

-jag ser att ert hus håller på att brinna ner, jag sätter igång släckningsarbetet direkt, OM ni först springer in i huset igen o ger mig era värdesaker. #Trump #Ukraine #Mafia #Idiot

Ben Royce 🇺🇦

Instead the world got a remarkable demonstration of a people grimly united in dread purpose: not only the preservation of their country, but their lives, such is #Russia's #genocidal #mafia ways.

They rose to the occasion in virtually cinematic terms.

#Zelensky, a #television #comedian, became a #heroic #statesman. The #Ukrainian people used their grit, resolve, and spirit to jerry rig a #resistance that made "mighty" Russia look like a joke. The "great statesman" #Putin became the comedian.

Dec 21, 2024, 03:44 · · · 0 · 0

#leasingsvindel - 🤔 Er #DenSorteSvane mere udbredt, end vi tror?

😮 Denne sag:
👉 Forsikringssvindel med klonede eller papirbiler.

👉 forfalskning af registreringsattester og bestikkelse af synshaller til at lave falske toldsyn på bilerne.

👉 Leasingkarrusel, hvor man solgte brugte luksusbiler til et leasingselskab og herefter leasede bilerne tilbage.

👉 Samarbejde med »tjetjensk #mafia« om klonede biler, som det blev umuligt at komme ud af.


Da bilforhandler kom i kløerne på mafiaen, endte forsikringsselskab i »den vildeste« svindelsag

Advokat Jesper Ravn har ført retssager for forsikringsselskaber…

JP/Politikens Hus A/S

#HaroldDaggett took the witness stand that year after federal prosecutors charged him w/ #racketeering.

He described himself as a target of the #mob – though a turncoat #Mafia member had testified Daggett was under the mob’s thumb, The New York Times reported.

#Longshoremen #MAGA #scam #MafiaState #economy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Three Longshoremen Not Guilty of Fraud and Other Charges

An accused Mafia figure who disappeared during his…

The New York Times
Oct 02, 2024, 15:37 · · · 0 · 0

By comparison, his fellow #union bosses at the #AFL-CIO, #Teamsters & #autoworkers #unions earn less than $300,000 a year, acc/to a Politico report.

#HaroldDaggett formerly owned the Obsession – a 76’ yacht – & was seen zipping around in a Bentley, acc/to The NYT.

In 2005, Bush’s #Justice Department accused Daggett of being an “associate” of the Genovese crime family – one of the “Five Families” of the US #Mafia.

#Longshoremen #MAGA #scam #MafiaState #economy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024


Tiens ! Jérôme Fournel a (fait) effacé (er) sa page Wikipédia ? Bizarre, non ?
Fournel est Chef de Cabinet de Barnier après avoir été celui de Darmanin puis de Le Maire.
#JeromeFournel #Mafia #Wikipedia

Sep 08, 2024, 21:42 · · · 0 · 0

fun fact: i played the "Birthday Suit" mod by Mithlonde (who sadly gone offline, indefinitely), but only on 1 level, the sinking ship level, this alone could be a short comic potential, but my state of affairs (as well as Hat Kid's design) made it hard for me to do it tho, so the fanart is what i got

#ahatintime #hatkid #Hat_kid #A_hat_in_time #loli #Ahit #mustachegirl #Snatcher #DJGroove #conductor #mafia #stickman #Stickfigure #naked #nude #nudity #exhibitionism #nsfw #nipples #navel #pussy


i, like many other MFs in this website, love A Hat In Time, it's refreshing to see a new collectathon game after years of sloppy unrewarding platformers which didn't satisficed me, however it was a heavy game for my PC, so the lag was rendering my enjoyment, didn't stop me from finishing it tho.

#ahatintime #hatkid #Hat_kid #A_hat_in_time #loli #Ahit #mustachegirl #Snatcher #DJGroove #conductor #mafia #stickman #Stickfigure


Wie Kriminelle den Staat mit Strohleuten um Milliarden Steuergelder betrügen

Kriminelle Banden betrügen den Staat jährlich um Milliarden Euro Steuergelder. Nach rbb-Recherchen benutzen sie dafür suchtkranke und obdachlose Menschen aus Osteuropa als sogenannte Strohleute - und ein schwer durchschaubares Firmengeflecht.


#Steuerbetrug #Wirtschaftskriminalität #Mafia

Wie Kriminelle den Staat mit Strohleuten um Milliarden Steuergelder betrügen

Kriminelle Banden betrügen den Staat jährlich um Milliarden…
Only Fifteen Republicans In The US House Of Representatives Voted Against Tyranny Today.

The republicans in the House of Representatives gave Biden a big win in voting to ban TikTok. Here is a list of the only people who voted against the ban. Obviously, the democrats who voted not to ban the website, didn't do so because they love freedom. They obviously, had their own agenda, which one is sure, did not include any altruistic motivations. We're more concerned with the fifteen republicans who actually love freedom. Many of my, formerly favorite congressmen, voted to give a president the ability to shutdown any website that he or she dislikes and looking at the numbers there are just fifteen good guys in a lineup of four hundred, thirty five. I reckon we have a new list of favorite congress critters now.

Biggs, Andy AZ

Bishop, Dan NC

Davidson, Warren OH

Duarte, John S CA

Gaetz, Matt FL

Greene, Majorie Taylor GA

Higgins, Clay LA

Mace, Nancy SC

Massie, Thomas KY

McClintock, Tom CA

Mooney, Alex WV

Moore, Barry AL

Perry, Scott PA

Steube, Greg FL

Schweikert, David AZ

#Theft #Gangsters #Mafia #Corruption #1A #First_Amendment #TikTok #Censorship #Tyranny
When The Uni Party Bans Truth Social Next.

The deep state gangsters working in the US Congress, have now given a website, which they do not like, an offer that it cannot refuse. It seems, as if, they've found a loophole, they think, since congress cannot make any law restricting the premise of the first amendment, the geniuses at the Capitol, have given the president the ability to single out which websites are threats to national security. In this case, an easy scapegoat, being TikTok. So now, how long before Truth Social becomes a threat, or Twitter or, your thirty, dollars a month, Mastodon instance? Oh, you're immune you say? Remember the Patriot Act? That was touted as being geared to search out nefarious foreigners who wanted to crash airplanes into nuclear power plants and bridges. So how come all Americans are under surveillance then?

If TikTok, a multi-million dollar outfit has no first amendment protection, then what is the power protecting your content, management server then? This is how republics fall, when the rule of law becomes malleable. This is what happens, when there are so many laws, that everyone is a potential criminal. Except democrats of course, they're always above the law. Every member of the uni party that voted to ban TikTok is our enemy and an enemy of freedom. Learn their names and be prepared to shun them, forever branding them corrupt, disingenuous and intellectually dishonest. So far there are over three hundred of them in the US House of Representatives and we expect the feckless senate to give their stamp of approval too. It's good to know who one's enemies are finally, isn't it? Now's the time for intelligent planning and action or for some people, time to assume the fetal position and surrender. The choice was always free. 

#Theft #Gangsters #Mafia #Corruption #1A #First_Amendment #TikTok #Censorship #Tyranny
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

am not throwing the words #MAFIA and #CARTELS around as slurs.

#CARTELIZATION is a whole domain of research in sociology, politics, economics and, particularly, business and finance.

this is why prices never came down after the supply chain problems during the pandemic.

USA's economy is dominated by business cartels that sorta, kinda agree to keep up appearances of competition but collude elsewhere. take the FAANGs going after #TitTok. that's cartelization.

so are 2-party systems.

Mar 14, 2024, 00:31 · · · 0 · 0
DrBob, Neurologist, 🧠Mechanic

Trump’s consolidation of Republican a chilling reaffirmation that the GOP is his party and stands for what he stands for — #Authoritarianism, #Cruelty, #ElectionDenial, #Corruption, criminality, #Conspiracy theories, and #mafia mob-style threats like the one #Trump made against Haley during his unhinged New Hampshire victory speech
Oh, and don’t forget #dementia (#Alzheimers) and #rape!
Recent Trump Endorsers 🤮🤢
- Vivek Ramaswamy, Narcissist Entrepreneur
- Ron DeSantis, Bend the Knee, Kiss the Ring
- Sen Tim Scott, appointed by Haley
- Kevin Roberts (Heritage, Project 2025 😬)
- Sen John Cornyn

Why Republicans are (still) humiliating themselves for Trump

Even Nikki Haley will eventually have to kiss the ring.

Public Notice

@thenewoil Companies that do this are no different that the Mafia demanding extortion payments from businesses so their buildings don't mysteriously burn down.

#Extortion #Bricked #RightToRepair #louisrossman #Mafia

Erik de la Reguera

Esta mañana me invitaron al programa "A vivir que son dos días" en Cadena Ser. Fue un gusto hablar con Javier del Pino y Marc Bassets. Si nos escuchaste y te interesa el tema, aquí está mi libro "Desafiando fronteras: La migración global y los muros del nacionalismo": #migracion #avivirquesondosdias #cadenaser #radio #suecia #espana #crimenorganizado #mafia #sueca

Desafiando fronteras | Erik de la Reguera | Tapa blanda | Vagabunda

"Desafiando fronteras : La migración global y los muros…

The Coffee Magistrate

The notorious Mafia race mission usually goes something like this.

#mafia #videogames #vtuberclips #fail #funnymoments #vtuber

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

@AmonTheMetalHead @louisderrac @gael
The #mafia is helpful when it protects from attacks from the mafia — just give them what they want.

See also, /protection racket/.

#protectionRacket #cloudGlare