Quietly talking into the void at 3 am:

I'm starting to think that it's really not worth having any expectation that Twitter will get any better. I don't buy into the flurry of anti-Elon propaganda that the 5th column media puts out, but it's been, what, two years since Twitter changed hands? Artists I follow constantly get mass reported by retarded zoomers and the bots and spam are just as bad as they've ever been. At the very best, nothing has really changed.

Boy howdy do I love opening Twitter and being met with endless snark and nonsensical niggerspeak 24/7.

MAGO5 boosted

Tags: 2000s, 4chan, africa, psychology, social_media, tech
Source: The booru is down for now
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MAGO5 boosted
MAGO5 boosted

How many psyops are you getting hit with today? I think I'm up to 7.

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