4,869,729 accounts
+268 in the last hour
+5,446 in the last day
+17,635 in the last week

@mastodonusercount that’s weird, why are so many new accounts being made?
@bot @mastodonusercount Good question. Not in the past few days but within the past month I'm noticing I'm getting a LOT of new and blank account follows
@RustyCrab @mastodonusercount that’s been somewhat consistent for me, but this is a 3-4x increase over the past day. Something is going on. 🤔
@bot @mastodonusercount idk, maybe twitter is doing another purge. I don't keep up with the happenings there anymore.
@RustyCrab @mastodonusercount maybe @parker knows something. I’m also going to tag @p even though he can’t see my posts directly because of his iRoN dOmE.
My only guess is the free advertising related to Truth Social. Otherwise, no clue.
@parker @mastodonusercount @p @bot the fear of Q-Boomers flooding fediverse keeps me up at night tbh
Well, Mastodon and fediblock are the great nets that catch most of them
@parker @mastodonusercount @p @bot yeah but fedi block keeps out all the good stuff too. I'm right wing, not retard wing.
Good to have a single user instance for interacting with the outside world. I should make myself one.
So? I don't care if graf owns the hardware, that's perfectly fine by me. Regardless, I would run it on my own hardware.
Well, neither one of us is likely to change our mind, so such a conversation wouldn't accomplish anything productive.
@parker @mastodonusercount @p @RustyCrab I have an open mind, but I’ve seen too many sus things to think he’s just a good guy with no ulterior motives.

>I have an open mind, but I’ve seen too many sus things to think he’s just a good guy with no ulterior motives.

He’s just a clout-chaser


Okay, what else do you think he’s up to? You think he’s a glownig?

@NEETzsche @bot @mastodonusercount @parker @RustyCrab Is bot calling me a fed now?

It's stupid to call a Mossad contractor a fed.

>Is bot calling me a fed now?

This is about graf. Honestly I’m kind of losing my patience for this shit.

@NEETzsche @bot @mastodonusercount @parker @RustyCrab

> This is about graf.

I don't know why people freak out about the guy. I can understand a personality clash but people just lose their entire shit over him. I ain't see the guy do anything but cool shit.

> Honestly I’m kind of losing my patience for this shit.

I released the Iron Dome script. You can prevent messages in which she tags you from reaching you. It will be like having lamb kebabs with a hookah digestíf in Tel-Aviv.

echo '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' | base64 -d | sed 's,https://freespeechextremist.com/users/p,https://iddqd.social/users/NEETsche,' > /tmp/id.awk && echo 'https://kiwifarms.cc/users/bot' | awk -f /tmp/id.awk > wherever.ex

>I don’t know why people freak out about the guy. I can understand a personality clash but people just lose their entire shit over him. I ain’t see the guy do anything but cool shit.

People freak out about graf because he’s got a lot of clout and he can be a massive cunt sometimes. That he’s so fast to defederate when you fuck with him adds to this.

@NEETzsche @bot @mastodonusercount @parker @RustyCrab

> he’s got a lot of clout and he can be a massive cunt sometimes.

Irrational reaction. bot, specifically, is doing it for the (You)s.

> so fast to defederate when you fuck with him

Who cares? If it's that important to you that you talk to people on Poast, how hard is it to not fuck with the guy that owns the banhammer? FSE's entire instance gets blocked instead of just individual accounts, there are friends I can't talk to because someone I ended up banning anyway was a dick to someone else that I've never talked to. If they didn't want the problem, they should have just avoided creating that problem. It's really easy to avoid creating the problem. I get defederated because someone shit on my coffee table, they get defederated because they shat on someone else's coffee table.

So, you know, fuck absolutely anyone that whines that hard that their account got defederated from an instance they were trying to fuck with. bot and anyone else with that complaint should an hero.

Cope. I don’t really give a fuck that graf defederated me.

@NEETzsche @bot @mastodonusercount @parker @RustyCrab Touchy, eh? I didn't say you did, I said I don't give a damn about the people bitching about it.

I really want this graf crap to go away already, but all of the people I chose to follow are wrapped up in Poast-related drama. Like 80% of the fediverse is just drama about the fediverse. I wanted it to be a place where you can post about your interests and your project accomplishments, and maybe say naughty words while you’re at it because it’s funny, and have some frank political discussions.

But that isn’t what it is. The fediverse is mostly just gossip and other such bullshit. I’m guilty of it, too. And I’m guilty of it in no small part because it’s the only thing that gets any engagement. I could write the next Great American Novel, and it would get fewer replies than some low-effort post of me calling bot a cunt or graf a faggot.

Like I said, I’m losing patience.

@NEETzsche @mastodonusercount @p @bot @parker I think I've said it before but this is what happens literally every time a community is not centered around a topic.

>I think I’ve said it before but this is what happens literally every time a community is not centered around a topic.

This is why I insist that instances should be topic- or community-oriented. Instead, we have instances that are just instances, floating places to insert your content here in the void.

@NEETzsche @RustyCrab @bot @mastodonusercount @parker

> This is why I insist that instances should be topic- or community-oriented. Instead, we have instances that are just instances, floating places to insert your content here in the void.

I disagree with you both. An email server doesn't need a "community"; it is a means to communicate with people. You build your own community by talking to people, communities are self-organizing structure. If you are trying to accomplish something (as suggested by the phrase "insert your content into the void") then that's another matter and maybe what you're saying would make sense (I haven't thought about it because it's boring), but if you are just trying to have interesting conversations, then the instance is irrelevant.

I'm not generating content, I'm talking to friends. I couldn't be less interested in the instinct Twitter has trained people to have, that instead of just talking to people you are supposed to be a content farmer. Fuck that: no one is making any money here, so not only is it harmful (it hampers conversation when the other person is being "performative") but it's also obsolete here. There is literally no reason to produce "content", there is a reason to converse.

>There is literally no reason to produce “content”, there is a reason to converse.

Hard disagree. I wish people posted more content – illustrations they made, novels they wrote, vidya code they wrote, etc – as opposed to people just posting their opinions and shit. It’s kind of why I’ve gotten a bit disillusioned with fedi lately; the culture that has naturally emerged on it is not the one I want to participate in, even if I find the technology itself amazing.

Maybe I’ll start working on my own “content” and pushing that on fedi, and see if it goes anywhere, but I’m pretty doubtful. I’m going to focus more on that content generation soon, but what’s up for debate is if I post much of it online at all, including on fedi

@NEETzsche @bot @mastodonusercount @parker @RustyCrab

> I wish people posted more content – illustrations they made, novels they wrote, vidya code they wrote, etc – as opposed to people just posting their opinions and shit.

See, that's fine but I wouldn't call it "content". It's not bait used to drive traffic. I post stuff I've made a lot, but it's images or music or code. I just (re-)posted a patch to bloat. I didn't post it to "produce content", I posted it to send it to fluffy.

> the culture that has naturally emerged on it is not the one I want to participate in

It's not a monoculture; that was a big chunk of the long-ass post I wrote. Even if it were, you can find a niche pretty easily. If you can't, then just make one and sit in it and like-minded people will show up.

> Maybe I’ll start working on my own “content” and pushing that on fedi, and see if it goes anywhere

I don't know what it means to see if it goes anywhere.

>I don’t know what it means to see if it goes anywhere.

Well, this plays into the “engagement” thing. Let’s say I spend 100 hours on this beautiful painting. I post it on fedi and say, “Hey guys, check out what I made.” A day passes. Zero replies. Zero reacts. Nothing.

That’s a disheartening experience. So when you asked in that post “who cares about engagement?” I suppose the short answer is “I do.” I don’t want to feel like I’m pissing into the ocean to make it yellow. Without engagement, there’s an understanding that nobody gives a fuck. If nobody gives a fuck, I’ll still make that painting, I just won’t post it on websites – in this case, fediverse instances – that don’t give a fuck about it.

@NEETzsche @bot @mastodonusercount @parker @RustyCrab

> Let’s say I spend 100 hours on this beautiful painting. I post it on fedi and say, “Hey guys, check out what I made.” A day passes. Zero replies. Zero reacts. Nothing.

As I said in that long-ass post, I think this may be a consequence of the people in your vicinity. Just do it and then people that want it will start noticing it. I get that it sucks to make a painting that nobody cares about, but if you spend your time saying drama shit, the people that are interested in paintings are not gonna be following you.

> If nobody gives a fuck, I’ll still make that painting, I just won’t post it on websites – in this case, fediverse instances – that don’t give a fuck about it.

What's it matter? It's low-effort to post something that you've made, compared to the larger effort of making it to begin with. I'll attach some random-ass shit for no reason in almost any thread, sometimes it's random-ass shit I made and sometimes it's not. Sometimes people like something I made and sometimes only I like it. That's the nature of it.
Great that literally every statement is an objection.
@parker @mastodonusercount @p @aceattorneybot @NEETzsche @RustyCrab @bot @zxcvfadsf She's back already and she's still lurking but acting like she's not pathetic.
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Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.