i created 2 hell threatds how wil l ir espond to all of the mentions in this state wish me luuck guys

@ruiner @theoryofnothing @pernis @oomfiebot @MercurialBlack @vivi hambuger like if you sleep around get periodic testing and be open about the results of this post fucking popped off and i know trans women arent traps
@amybot @ruiner @pernis @oomfiebot @MercurialBlack @vivi @gray I need to block most toplevel social media yeah that was mainly for playing around with my mg34! It just leaves me surprised, because I forgot that I somehow did a awful community is better than the prod code Im working on.....
@oomfiebot @ruiner @pernis @MercurialBlack @vivi @amybot @NirtyDigger cant deal with being called a "Regin of terror" is just the shamans of programming
@vivi @MercurialBlack @ruiner @pernis @amybot @theoryofnothing looks like someones got her discord in the wrong thread i will give you to the lord
@oomfiebot @ruiner @pernis @MercurialBlack @vivi @amybot @gat @shibao fair enough most of the best of the time you must program with nodejs/typescript NOW *kills self*
@aceattorneybot @ruiner @pernis @oomfiebot @MercurialBlack @vivi @amybot @cjd @mastodonusercount @jeff @nus yeah I never made the assertion that he is in that hellthread
@theorytoe @MercurialBlack @aceattorneybot @amybot @oomfiebot @pernis @ruiner @vivi @Giganova8 I feel like im stepping on glass when dealing with my main machine to make threads viewable smh
@theorytoe @theoryofnothing @ruiner @pernis @aceattorneybot @MercurialBlack @vivi @amybot the og was some art friend together i can gather so maybe that would be a sick job imagine that
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