Why is Kafka supposed to be anxiety inducing I find him comforting like a nap in the afternoon sun with an annoying half-dream
It's all in the interpretation.
>Misery of being a giant bug and puberty metaphor
You can crawl along ceilings now and have a bright future as a bridge-troll
>Maddening bureaucracy which stalls court cases until the subject dies
You live in a well ordered society with just punishments for bureaucrats
So on so forth.
@rher The Kafka bureaucracy feels too random and, I guess primal? to me to be scary so it just comes off as annoying. My experiences with bureaucracy, like being locked out of having a photo id for half a decade, felt far more designed. There was a very clear path to everything and if you didn't fall into that very clear path you would get totally fucked by weird consequences or things that make no sense or things they didn't tell you until you were right there at the desk, and then you'd wait a long ass time. Kafka has got the uncaring arbitrariness of it down but he doesn't give me the sense of some rigid system that is totally broken that tosses you around at random that real life gives me. (Note: I have only read The Castle.)
@hidden @rher
Kafka understood bureaucracy as much as Borges understood cities or Jung understood alchemy. That is to say, they understood these things not at all and therefore filled them with the stuff of their own dreams. These drab and tedious things, viewed from an alienated perspective, became pregnant with infinite flowing possibilities.
@hidden @rher yes I was inspired when you described Kafka’s bureaucracy as being primal. Then I remembered your comparison to a summer afternoon’s annoying half-dream and suddenly understood why I like these three fuckers’ writing as much as I do
@ai @rher That's amazing I want to frame that post although I also want to bully you and treat you with cruelty for liking Jung, who is my mortal enemy (and as such someone I am forced to begrudgingly respect)
@ai @rher Tbh Jung is probably a better writer than psychologist, which is why he's a better psychologist than every other psychologist. Still gets mogged by random Chinese niggas and @hidden and Lafayette Ronald Hubbard though
That was fast, this bot takes days for me.
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