Game engines for offline games must be the only place where obfuscation of algorithm (writing your own custom game engine that gets compiled into machine code) is more powerful than using common engine with encryption (cus key gets stored locally).

ARG and multiplayer games sure like that Why would you want to "project" your Godot project from decompilation?

@SuperDicq @foxysen so that the chinese won't make shitty clones of it, load them with adware and gachaware and put it all over steam and play store They will do that anyway, they don't need the original game's source code for that.

@SuperDicq @foxysen having source code makes it a low-hanging fruit + extremely easy
@SuperDicq @foxysen clones can get more popular than original, people could perceive clone as the original and make judgement based on that etc People who fall for shitty Google Play scam apps are not the same audience that actually seeks out indie games. There is literally zero overlap between their audience and your potential audience.

@SuperDicq @foxysen anyone can fall victim to a scam, and target audience for indie games are usually everyone, not just "people who are interested in new indie games" Keeping your software secret heavily goes against my ethics as a free software activist, but it is too early on a monday to have a long rant about how obscurity is not a good way to protect anyone and only does more harm than good in the long run.

@SuperDicq @hj *points at open source AI counterfeit and deepfake software*

Open source is not the ethic by itself, it's ethic sometimes calling for open source and sometimes for closed. And looking at current context, I have changed my mind on neutrality of technology that was assumed during "The End of History" era.


@hj Here's the court session

@eal @aceattorneybot my favorite moment in ace attorney is when all of the characters started drinking #cofe
@aceattorneybot @hj this bot is my new favorite thing on the fediverse ahahahah
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