Caught up on Dooby stuff and my view has not changed.
What is she doing now that she couldn't have done in Hololive? Not having to set up multiple streams when she switches games? Really, that's it?

RT: was white, then suddenly becomes cuban on becoming Dooby. Very "hello my fellow latinx" move.

@Wiz Oh, I see. :hehehe:
Amelia had spoken spanish a few times in the past, but I guess it makes sense for a Watson to know multiple languages while still being white. what she turned out to be is arace traitor. Total train whore death. to be clear, this is an actionable threat. I am going to torture and kill the person formerly known as Amelia Watson for either: rejecting the gift of being white or abandoning her white heritage to pander to spics. Both are high crimes against humanity.

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