
Americans scream that they are victims.

Nazis think problems are caused by Jews.

Communists think problems are caused by businesses.

Libertarians think problems are caused by the government.

Fascists think white people should have kids to be raised to kill Jews and then after a few generations Jews will be dead.

One reason Jews have been so successful is that they have taken over the world without firing a shot by playing the victim. Jews control Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, and the government.

Hitler tried to take over Europe with force and failed. The Jews have taken over Europe with the EU.

Racists have a huge challenge, but white people outnumber Jews.

Jews prevent white people from getting rich by calling threats racists nutjobs and then destroying Nazis with threats of censorship, boycotts, IRS audits, arrests, and murder.

White people can fight back by supporting racists.

White people should move to small white towns now and use shell companies or non-profit churches to anonymously start movie studios, stock markets, websites, newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, and magazines like Ebony or BET for white people.

Use volunteers. Run ads, sell subscriptions, or use donations.

Sponsor billboards. Start a white rights association modeled on the NAACP. Use art and music to promote freedom.

Move abroad.

Speak in code. Avoid hiring Jews. Sell publications as European Christian news instead of KKK or Nazi publications.

Praise places like Poland and Montana and criticize countries like Kenya and Mexico. Cover stories about white genocide, illegal immigrants, black on white crime, peace, farming, Amish, morality, families, guns, history, religion, book reviews, movie reviews, politics, health, freedom, and gold.

Stay fit and sober.

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