
The American response to the US collapse is to deny that the USA is decaying, praise their beloved government overlords, and attack anyone who criticizes the government.

Americans simply seem unable to recognize cause and effect.

If the government destroys the economy with regulations, Americans slam private charities that help the homeless.

If the Gestapo arrest someone for smoking at Burger King, Americans blame Burger King.

If the government fails to protect the border, Americans criticize a nonprofit that tries to construct a private border wall.

When the US starts wars that lead to refugees, Americans attack churches that help house the refugees.

When the NSA unconstitutionally wiretaps Americans 24/7, Americans criticize Google.

When the government starts a trade war that reduces US exports and raises prices, Americans criticize China.

When the government uses asset forfeiture, Americans attack the ACLU for suing the government.

When the government steals money at the point of a gun from taxpayers to fund food stamps, Americans attack Walmart for selling food that helps lazy people become fat.

Americans absolutely don't care that the government has outlawed everything, but Americans become batshit insane when they hear that private prisons have government contracts to lock people up.

Americans don't mind that regulations have destroyed the economy and has lead to homelessness, but Americans lose their minds that the Gestapo don't arrest the homeless for public urination.

Americans don't care that female circumcision is illegal, but Americans become outraged when they find out that male circumcision is legal.


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