
The Northwest Front is the best chance we have at an ethnostate. We are not 1930s Germans, We are Americans, and we see ourselves and our situation as unique. We will not make the same mistakes that the Germans did. We recognize ourselves for what we truly are, that is destined to rule the stars.

We will have access to the Pacific Ocean to trade with Russian and China. When the Feds roll tanks into our lands we're going to need help from Russia and China. The Russians and Chinese will send us all the weapons and food we could ever ask for. For the long term we'll have lots of clean water, coal, various metals, some oil, and a ton of wood.

We would also take control of the Intel chip fabrication facilities in Oregon, allowing us to fabricate our own secure chips for use in all kinds of communications and weapons systems. We would be able to sell these chips worldwide if we open source the schematics.

There are no powerful open source computers on the market, only open source firmware, software, and ISAs.

Computer systems are the crude oil of the 21st century.

We could be one of the wealthiest nations on earth overnight.

How will this work?

Get our politicians into local offices over the next 10 years and grow our movement's numbers into the tens of thousands. After we've sufficiently established ourselves within the local government, we will announce our secession. The Feds will be having none of it, so we will entrench ourselves and instill a religious fanaticism within our volunteers such that they will never surrender. Each inch of ground the Feds take will cost them dearly. Each day they will break themselves against our stones. We will fight to the last man. We will take no prisoners.

We will hang the families of traitors. We will demoralize them in every way known to man. When trying to take our land becomes so costly that they can't afford to send more troops, they will be forced to let us have the land or nuke us, fucking themselves royally in the process either way, because we also have nuclear weapons with which to retaliate.

We have dug our graves here.

We will triumph or we will die and there is no shame in a life lost in service to one's own blood.

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