Hong Kong is lost.

The British should never have let go of Hong Kong. Their treaty was with the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, not the PRC. They were under no obligation to honor it.

Communist control of Hong Kong during the Cold War would have frightened Western strategists at the time. I’m still puzzled as to why the Brits gave it up.

It’s a shame. I would have loved to visit Hong Kong at one point in my life. Aside from Japan, Hong Kong was also at the top of my bucket list travel destinations.


it’s their fault that they wanted to be liberated from British rule and this is what they get!

Not really. There was public opinion data before. HK'ers were split between full independence and staying with United Kingdom. Being unified with PRC was the least popular opinion.
Were they though? The "liberation" is pretty much just CCP rhetoric, spread by the shills.
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