
I find it quite pity that both Nintendo and GameFreak are suing the developers of Palworld even though their modern Pokemon games are complete and utter trash!

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Not long ago I talked about patents and copyright being bs used to stifle creativity, invention, competition and freedom.

I'll take the oportunity to talk a tad more in this post.

As a creative myself, one of the last steps till I understood anarchy were these very things, pattents and copyright. The value of copyright and patents, and how they are enforced by the government is this: Well... if I create something, that something should always be solely mine to make money of, since I'm the creator. Therefore, I need to have the tools to protect what is mine (lawsuits) and the government should enforce this protection of my property.

That sounds all good and dandy till you take into account that, like everything government related, it'll be abused and corrupted.

Like H2M and Call of Duty before, and Palworld and Pokemon now... how come this is all copyright and patents are used for? Why isn't some big corporation being sued by a small team /individual for stealing from them? Because the little guys don't have money to fight for such things.

Profucts should be free to be developed further by others, ideas should be free to be explored by everyone.

Otherwise, technolgy and creativity are but monopolies of investors and their subsidised creators putting barriers for the rest of the world.

It reminds me of a story with a mexican gunsmith who created a rifle. It looked on the outside very similar to the HKG36, so, as expected, HK raised a stink and sent in the lawyer army. It turns out, that only the outside was similar to the G36, but the inside was mechanically different, so the mexican won the lawsuit.

No one should have to be afraid to create similar to, to build on top of and improve existing things! Nevermind all the patents the government owns for incredible technology that no one can replicate without being raped in court!

Even if it means nothing (cause no one's gonna rip my silly ideas off anyway DX), I don't care, nor ever will, if some mexican makes his own version of L'Amour Toxic and calls it "Las Locas Aventuras de la Lunatica de la Chingada Loba Tetona Isabella Brody y su Venganza Desmadrada."

If it's better than my thing, then it's a net positive for humanity!
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