
Render 1
Time spent: a little more than 1 month

Render 2:
Time spent: 10 minutes or so

Maybe that's the key, to not spend more than a day on any given project.

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@keisuke i mean another key is that he just made a fad thing that everyone is going apeshit over
@keisuke @keisuke We truly live in a society. Don't let that discourage you from engaging in more complex projects that will push your limits forward and teach you a lot in the end.
@keisuke i got 800 likes on a meme i made in 5 minutes :Cirno_For_Reals:

Huh, I just noticed my follow for that account never went through, was “pending approval”. I was afraid defederated us, but it must have just been gremlins because it worked this time 🤷

@ademan pixelfed's federation has always been a little wonky

@keisuke i think the one on the left is more complicated and harder to understand and a bit more negative and that's why.
@keisuke i think the very clear subject on the blobcat one also helps
@keisuke :blobcathuggiessad: your first render is awesome but the second one is a blobcat!!! it's about the topic. Like jain said, blobcat is the trend. Post apocalyptic arcade isn't so much.

Looks fantastic though.

Do a multi day blobcat and see if it'll get huge

@keisuke You can make stuff that you personally like, or try to make stuff that others will like. The only way other people will just enjoy the stuff you like is if you already have a following.
Sometimes just making things you like is enough to build a following, but usually it isn't. That comes down to luck and timing much more than anything else.
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