
Supposedly this is scanneable but my phone doesn't pick it up

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@keisuke i dont see how it would be. There is no clear square grid format. Just a QR code themed anime girl imo.

@ken i assume the markers give the scanner info about the pixel size, but still it doesn't work, some people claim they do

@keisuke pixel size, yeah, but there aren't any pixels (black and white exact grid i mean)
@keisuke you probably need some super high quality, low privacy QR scanner for it to work. My two apss that I tested dont pick it up either - even after cropping...

@2ch looks like it varies from person to person, someone told me that it only displayed chinese characters

@keisuke probably because the site it points to is (and have a title) in chinese

I was able to but I had to essentially crop it to the image down to the square. It goes to

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