Ah yes, the party of compassion and destroyers of hate speech.

It’s like they don’t want this service to exist because they themselves can’t have the self control to not use it in exactly the way they’re trying to fight against.

The best part? This is only the beginning.

@alex yeah and eugan rees about nazism and than you have this.

Or their "cause" is just an excuse to hate and attack people.

"Can't be bad to send insults and death threats to somebody if I call them a (nazi | TERF | supremacist | sexist | any other word) first? Right?"

Completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy.

@minecraftchampion @alex well could be me i don't like everyone, but i think everyone is stupid even me at times. like in the end it doesn't matter one day we will die and be dirt.
@minecraftchampion @alex i just don't like woke people the most because of this hypocrisy like they seem to always want normies to denounce everyone they don't like and i don't see woke people denouncing their own kind.
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