@MischievousTomato @weaf @NEETzsche that and the control aspect of it from lots of em being always-online and implementing "driver assist" features all the way up to attempts at self-driving, plus the logistical constraints of supplying 50A at 240V of power for hours on end to recharge them.
they're not seething about "muh environment" or whatever, they're seething at the idea that folks are able to get around without being gatekept every step of the way by some corporate/ZOG jannie able to enforce absolute compliance with everything they push. of course, they've found great partners in the "you will own nothing and be happy" rent seeking crowd.
imagine how incredibly smug a leftoid journo would be at the idea of someone's electric car pulling over at a state line and refusing to continue until the driver and all passengers entered their vaccine ID.
@secret_aspie @skylar @NEETzsche @weaf @MischievousTomato musk is a useful idiot con artist