Made an edit with Laura using Maja's scene from Unteralterbach, made a 40's/50's style caption with it to boot.
Recently Pearl has been trying to change The Crystal Gems' name to "The Crystal Groomers", Connie here finds out why
Con and Noncon versions
Caption translation, as the font is odd:
"Welcome to our restaurant, Pedo Patron!"
"My name is Hamdi, I'll be your Helping Houri today!"
"Take a seat there and I'll start you out with the Rod of Iron massage"
"You can order whenever you like!"
A fresh and Halal deal
A Girl Scout org's endeavor to keep the innocent kids safe
Some big simpin
A Gwen and an enhanced version of the earlier Mabel edit
A Gwen edit I'm pretty proud of
Some Mabel captions, some of the first I made under this handle
Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.