
Map twitter is way more confusing and chaotic. I mean its good for finding porn and all but im honestly glad i can go here for the social networking stuff instead and not have to worry about (as many) people wanting us to die in a fire

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@Droidgirl ive been considering making a twitter just bcos more of my map friends have twitters than a mastodon but it also sounds really shit for anything but having my friends there, i think i just need to use mastodon more until i know people here >_>

@lily1155 @Droidgirl discord was fun before it became impossible to use. you're best off here.

@lily1155 its not worth using twitter for meeting other maps, people get suspended way more often than here and the rules for what you can and cant say are harsher. Its really only good for finding porn because by the time you make a strong connect to someone else theyll have been suspended 5 times

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