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DroidGirl boosted

lolison and hentai bby and also youjo feel like those adult clubs with blackjack and hookers where the cool people and the baddies and grown ups hang out, while us peasants can just look trough the windows. how does that work, you just....get summoned inside? is there a pedo council and they decide or also a research team to check the candidates? "hm yea this bitch is good, let them join the party"
It's just funny to imagine how they do it lol

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

Hey all, sad post again, sorry I'm not in a good spot right now, kinda struggling a bit and haven't had motivation to do anything with art. . . been using Elden Ring to escape and I've been loving it a bit too much. :blobcry:

I hope to have some stability soon and then really focus on art. . . Anyway here's the SUPER LATE Valentine post I promised! ( i wanted to color but couldn't get myself to. . . sorry) :blobsad:

Love, your friend Red

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

Connie x Priyanka Maheswaran (Steven Universe)

For Clouds
If you like my work and want to see more of it, pledge to my Fanbox here.

A dollar or three goes a long way. You'll also get access to my discord where you'll find my higher resolution stuff.

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
God I feel depressed today
If only I had a child to cuddle with and make me feel better :kannabored:
DroidGirl boosted

Ari and Cho redesigns

Ari is a NEET and Cho is his underage sex worker gf who does all sorts of nasty shit so she can buy her boyfriend weeb/nerdy toys


DroidGirl boosted

Another artwork to show this time lucy is converting lily into a vampire with the sacred fluid she has in her lily will be a vampire anyways i hope you like it more shall come

DroidGirl boosted

Ingrid Third (Fillmore)
💎 Fan Request 03

Join FANbox for Early Access and participate in FAN Requests and Polls.

Join the FANclub!

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

Recent commission of Toriel and Asriel

kind of a very unique set up but I hope you guys enjoy it none the less!

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

*Yawn* Still in a little funk.. but heres a little sketch idea I had tonight! #Takagi #takagi-san

DroidGirl boosted

Panya would like to play with you~♡

grab her leash and see what happens!!

#loli #cub #oc

DroidGirl boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.