Luvrei boosted
Luvrei boosted

Booty Rockin’ Errywhere

So I really wish there was a game like Pokemon Snap, except called Lolicon Snap, where you are a cameraman and you get to take pictures of lolis in cute poses, like this one. And the more and more points you get the more and more clothes come off!

Based on a two artist collab done by @MrScrambled and @zabbuk (more can be found there)

Luvrei boosted
Luvrei boosted
Luvrei boosted

Was just gonna do a simple poster but now I kinda want make this a animation... #jackochallenge

Luvrei boosted

Summer is almost over, but my desire for sexy lolis will never go away.

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.