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@bungabeats He also had a fair few dementia moments, but that's a given.

Perhaps, but that's more charitable than I would have been. Neoteny aside, I don't know too many pre-pubescent girls with giant milkers and child-bearing hips.

Either this is just another case of psychological projection or there is something wrong with their ability to identify images on a neurological level. I mean, this isn't the first time this has happened. Wasn't it a certain game urinalist that said the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown looked underaged?

MAGO5 boosted
I like how just says "content that violates our rules." I don't know why they didn't bother to specify like with the others.

I miss Mykeru. He doesn't seem to be interested in doing videos anymore, which is a damn shame.

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Thanks to Riya for making the info graphics.

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@augustus "Another request that this article be changed to 'Capitol Murder-Rape-Holocaust of 2021' is under discussion."

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@matrix @thestrongest
He cannot be stopped, ladies and gentlemen.

Kraut is going to enrich the world with his sparkling gems of wisdom like the Muslims enriched Europe.

MAGO5 boosted

@noyoushutthefuckupdad Oh, yeah, my mom got the DVD box set for Stingray and Thunderbirds. I noticed jokes about women driving were common in both series.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad I've noticed a marked increase in the dumbshit theories going around since the election. Either the Qtards are losing their nerve or it's more controlled opposition attempting to distract people.

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