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転校してきたブリティッシュガールに一目惚れされたニッポンガール的なrkgkです🇯🇵 🇬🇧

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I wouldn't want to go through life without this community. I really hate living in the closet with no one to share my most forbidden thoughts and desires. the fediverse degenerates are the only people who actually know me.
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Henlo all you lovelies!! :nico: I've been around here for a bit and It's nice to see people with the same interests so I thought I'd share my pix iv I have been catering for a year with you all 😘 pixiv.net/en/users/56697826

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Henlo all you lovelies!! :nico: I've been around here for a bit and It's nice to see people with the same interests so I thought I'd share my pix iv I have been catering for a year with you all 😘 pixiv.net/en/users/56697826

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Having a lgf is pretty fucking awesome! My honeybun is the greatest!

@Harold I finished on my hat plush by accident I got too excited (I have 2) hehe

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.