
The Far Left is the new version of Adolf Hitler.... They want eugenics, they also want to kill baby boys in the womb, they divide people based on their skin color, they hide behind the facade of political correctness or the facade of being good when in actuality that are not. They promise something better for people who join their cult when in reality they're not going to give anyone anything better. They would probably end up putting people in concentration camps for disagreeing with their extremist views, and there were also some Far leftist who advocated for segregation and concentration camps for people who they disagree with or find offensive or just generally hate. The far-left believes in the lies of the media and extremist propaganda media just like the Nazis and Hitler and World War II. The news is a liar. if you do enough research, Hitler was the founder of mainstream media. Hitler had his own fake news that advocated for the propaganda of national socialism and use that propaganda to help kill lots of people who weren't pure blooded German.
And the Democrats even stole some technology and tactics from the Nazis and used it for their own government of the United States. The Democrats even hired Nazi scientists. The mainstream media has used the same tactics that the propaganda news in Nazi Germany used.

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