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Here's my new schedule of this week.
Also, here's my hashtags for anyone want to post anything related to me,
General/Memes: or
Live: or
Art: or

As much I have to finish this game now, but I'm on standby on live, but I will start in a couple of minutes. So, come and join in for the few hours of see me playing Pokémon as usual

I maybe delaying my pokemon stream either tonight or in the morning (only if Switch-Kun doesn't mess it up) because I have it into some issues with Switch-Kun having some SD card errors, but let's pray that it won't effect anything badly once I test everything out.

I'm nearly 30 minute and my podcast of the 5th episode of The Coucil of The Ravine is started and it's an open chat stream.

I'm on standby during my stream, but I will be going live soon as it's my Eevee Zatsu stream as usual. I just come in and chat with me for a while I'm working on some stuff.

I will be on Tonight, but I will be late just keep an eye that I post my links of my stream soon.

My upcoming let's play on streaming coming up soon after if I finished at least with Pokemon or Megaman Battle Network 1. Just stay tuned on that and my schedule will be up soon this week.

I will be streaming soon which it's been a long while to finish off this game, but we will continue for this stream game which it's Hogwarts Legacy. Links down below.

I got Hades and some visual novel. but it's good time to get Hades 1. but I'm not buying in Hades 2. So, I will wait when it goes below $10. I get the game is early access and people were talking about the art.
Still I like hack and slash and beat them ups.

I used to shop at this place to get my games early and whatever I need. I get this place isn't cheap, but don't blame them for making their inventory pricey cause we get how expensive rent in the city is.

*Gets reading glasses"

If the Korean Cancel Pig keeps being obsessed over me and talking shit about me instead of focusing on her boyfriend, is she balding?


This is why Nintendo fanboys like Harman should deserve to get hit by something worse than a truck.

Just to be clear that Nintendo fanboys are the worst weebs that we know who are whining and snitching to Nintendo to ruin our fun.

It makes me wonder why I rarely buy Nintendo games. I spend more on PC games and my bills.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.