Slowly corrupting your lover with ever more dubious porn and sex toys until you're both having filthy pedo sex and using little kids for dirty talk I would ball day every day if I could.

@RottenSin NGL if I had to choose how I died, villainous Ella/jean sitting on my face is #1 on my list.

@LooneyGoons remembering it is the only way I get off

@Slab0fMeat god she'd be amazing partner to make kids to fuck in a few years

@LittleCunnyLover you and me and the defence council and the boys in those girls class and... this is also whatvi want to see

@Usagi I may have accidentally done that a few times too. I swear it's not on purpose. I'm just an idiot occasionally.

There's just something extra hot about children getting fucked by trans girl cock

@Slimeygoon yo, do you have your DMs turned off?

Minors should have access to porn

Minors should be allowed to produce porn

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