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Magic Ways- Tatsuro Yamashita
Right on time-

Magic! ・リアムMAZE1981

@coolboymew Not to sound like a complete Lolicon but sauce?

If any of you guys live in China be safe I heard there’s like some terrible disease spreading about.

@illya I wish people asked me for directions nowadays.

@illya The picture has nothing to do with the question :meru_pipimeru:

@illya Relax and take a nap that works for me

You ever wonder what happens to the people who ask you for directions? :3

隣の竹垣に 竹立て掛けたのは 竹立て掛けたかったから、竹立て掛けた。

Try saying that three times fast.

@ken Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.