“Bitcoin destroys the environment” is a 99% bullshit argument from the powers that be to try to turn the working class against ourselves.

@alex did you know that lithium (for batteries) farming is one of the most harmful industries?

@graf Rich people are destroying the planet all day long with no repercussions. As soon as common people start developing our own solutions it’s an ecological crisis that can’t be ignored.

@alex @graf But the question is: our own solution to what problem ?

@alex @graf I mean I get the point to have a money not controlled by any institution. The problem is: bitcoin is not a real money regarding the three capacities that a money should have.
The only purpose of bitcoin today (and a lot of cryptos) is to speculate

@aceattorneybot @sheetposter @alex @clovis @crunklord420 @graf Gotta give the win to the BTC side. Real money? History has shown that even basic bartering works on small and large scale. Money can be everything, and in the best case you don't have to pay interest to Jewish bankers for the privilege of using that money like with the USD.

@Irie @aceattorneybot @alex @crunklord420 @sheetposter @graf I disagree with your first statement. The history shows that barter doesn't work a large scale, and it's exactly why global exchanges aren't made with barter, that your salary isn't paid in fiats etc...

Because in order to exchange with barter you must need what the other people offer at that given time, the objects exchanged are often subject to decay (food etc...), you must have faith in the other person about the quality of the

@Irie @aceattorneybot @alex @crunklord420 @sheetposter @graf goods exchanged etc...

When exchanging in money you only need to have faith in the money/the institution that emits it to guarantee it's value.

@Irie @aceattorneybot @alex @crunklord420 @sheetposter @graf BTW anthropology tends to show that barter wasn't the primary mean of exchanges.

In a lot of primitive societies, they tend to exchange on the basis of promises made to each other. Barter is only used when exchanging between community as promise require a lot of trust and only work with people socially connected.

@Irie @aceattorneybot @alex @crunklord420 @sheetposter @graf (promises are less subject to decay that food, and it doesnt require that the two people exchanging need to want what the other has at the same time)

@clovis @aceattorneybot @alex @crunklord420 @sheetposter @graf Barter works large scale. It's what Nazi Germany did once Hitler took power. Nazi Germany bartered with other nations, exchanging goods without using money. Nazi Germany got rid of the Jewish money system based on debt and catapulted its economy to one of the strongest in the world. But I'm not here to shill for bartering. Even though it works it's not ideal, but still better than Jewish owned currency like the USD.

@Irie @aceattorneybot @alex @crunklord420 @sheetposter @graf Didn't know about that. Do you know were I can read something about that ?

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