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@Vulcan @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @e @marine @salt why would I tell a group of people (seething fats) that don’t like me what I do, or literally anything about my personal life?
@Vulcan @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @e @marine @salt no, I’m quite well off. I just don’t trust anyone on fedi, and I know there are people that want to dox me. I’m probably like the biggest target.

@bot @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Vulcan @e @salt I think that’s delusional. Idc how much I dislike you and wish you dead and everything, I don’t want to dox you.

@marine @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Vulcan @e @salt ok name a bigger target then. A lot of people on fedi don’t like me, and I know for a fact people have asked around about my personal details. Like you want me dead, and I literally just told you to stop being fat AND I tried to genuinely help you.
@marine @bot @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt shouldn't be saying it tbh, never said it once to anyone here not even after bot got people to tell me to kms and flooded my notifications too

@e @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt good for you for being the bigger person. Meanwhile, here I am with my shirt that says “I ❤️ NOT TAKING THE HIGH ROAD I ❤️ FORGETTING AND NOT FORGIVING I ❤️ BEING THE SMALLER PERSON I ❤️ FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE I ❤️ BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS ME”

@marine @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt things that make you feel good in the short term don't mean they are going to make you feel good in the long term

@e @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt ok, sure. So what? Why should I have to be the bigger person all the damn time? Let someone else do it for once.

@marine @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt >Why should I have to be the bigger person all the damn time?
for your own personal benefit
@marine @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt lol it has nothing to do with bot. if you surround yourself with negativity and hostility you'll become bitter and anxious over the long run. you could just block her like I did if she's bothering you.

@e @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @Vulcan @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @salt blocking is for cowards. We went over this yesterday.

Secondly, I’m not going to apologize when I literally just existed and bot decided I was a horrible person based off of her own personal petty thoughts of me “slighting” her.

@bot @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Vulcan @marine @salt I have a history of meeting women with mental health issues, was physically assaulted multiple times, and thus I'm very picky about who I let close to me
@bot @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Vulcan @marine @salt no, it's partly my fault because I could have dumped the person sooner and been better at who I shack up with, which I am now and it bothers you. if you had met me 10 years ago you might have had a chance
@e @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @marine @salt
Maybe we've had different experiences I've been backstabbed too many times by people
@Vulcan @HoleRipper @Horns @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Prodigal @bot @captain_arepa @exodus34 @marine @salt I've met wonderful women too, you just need to meet more women and be more careful about not ignoring red flags
@e @Horns @captain_arepa @Prodigal @HoleRipper @exodus34 @IgnorantHussy @Kacho @Vulcan @marine @salt because it suits your narcissistic narrative that “iM aFrAiD oF tHe WoRlD” or whatever it is you need to justify your bad behaviour
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