One time, just one time, I want to post some shit without someone making a "racial realism" hellthread out of it.

One time, just one time, please. I'm begging you.
@dave >objective reality
>i don't like it
Sorry you feel that way bro. :blob:
> prejudice justified with bad science

objECtivE realiTy
I'm not "pre"-judging people here friend. I'm judging them on their character as well as their past and present behaviors. Actual reality as it happened and continues to unfold.

I don't need academic reasons to be racist, though they are kind of amusing. I also don't need scientific justifications either, but I get why people do it.
@n8 @dave > I'm judging them on their character as well as their past and present behaviors.

Implying you know someone's character and past behavior based on a characteristic as rough as skin color is quite literally prejudice and based on your feels, not reason.
@Czechem @dave
Its literally about group dynamics and statistical probability.

Or risk management in terms of niggers.

>Implying you know someone's character and past behavior based on skin color
I'm not saying anything of the sort. Skin color is not the cause. Melanated skin tones are not the causation. But there is a strong correlation between the genetics of skin tone and the genetics of behavior. The link here is that both are innately part of that person and can't be changed just cuz it's uncomfortable to think about. Genetics. Genetics is the link.

The odds that a black person is more likely to kill me than a White person or and Asian person is a real phenomenon that can be tracked.

I also know that if I was to be shot by a white man it's most likely going to be a cop that does it. So I'm weary around cops as well as niggers. Asians? White people? Not so much.

Also implying that gut feelings can't be trusted is kinda debased and silly.
@n8 @dave >Skin color is not the cause.

Of course, and I wasn't implying otherwise. That's the childish reduction of genetic realism.

At the end of day, it's about probabilities like you said… But probabilities are not certainties. The word we're getting hung up on here is "prejudice", literally "pre-judging". I can understand exercising care, choosing carefully who you associate with and live near; risk management is a good way to put it and pretending that isn't a thing normal people should do is a Reddit–tier shitlib worldview.

The problem I have is the mechanical, automatic prejudging of someone based on external characteristics they have no control over. In other words, automatically treating everyone who looks a certain way with the same broad brush in unfair ways, basically denying or severely handicapping black people who do not act like niggers or do not want to be niggers the ability to better their position in life. That, to me, is a grave injustice. Worse, it causes the nigger problem to be entrenched and self-perpetuating.
@Czechem @n8 @dave Not teaching bayesian probabilities in school was a mistake. There is more to probability than frequency fren, it also included certainty and likelihood.
@Christ_is_Lord No amount of statistics is going to convince me to start treating every stranger I see as a designated representative of a group sharing their most prominent physical characteristics.

Judging a human based on anything other than the content of their character is unjust, and this can only be done accurately on a case-by-case basis.
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