Nigga it’s the same thing I’ve been saying
@deVoid @sapphire He phrased it in such a way that i can agree with it without feeling like I'm helping the poors and you say "nigga" too much
Friend, you ARE the poors. You are in the peasant class with the rest of us. You can grow out of your libertarian diapers now.
Then stop getting mad when people wanna get gibs from the government because it would mean niggers get it to.
The niggers are already getting money. In principle (read: lame) that means you should be trying to take as much of the guns as humanly possible to deprive even one nigger of a cent.
What’s the name of that pheonix wright bot again
For once the stupid bot not only delives within a five-minute window but pushes out the perfect courtroom battle, tone and everything. It's never going to do this again is it.
Even the objections were places perfectly.
(It's never going to be this good again. We peaked. It's over. The west has fallen.)
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