@erincandescent @aeva @mcc for systems as cattle, sure, let's keep defaults and customizations separate. But for systems as pets toys and tools, one of the charms of *nix has been that (with preinstalled packages) you can go totally offline and explore/modify the system using little more than ls and less, and maybe grep for the truly adventurous. The systemd direction seems headed more towards a windows registry thing where undiscoverable defaults exist in places mortals shouldn't tread

@wilbr @erincandescent @aeva if it were me I would simply document the defaults as well as the systems for changing them

@mcc @erincandescent @aeva for sure, and man pages are good, I'm just mourning my trusty machete and walking stick (less and ls)

If you ever catch me browsing around /usr like it's a shopping mall, call the retirement home because it's time ;)

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