Very few people are more backstabby than retarded-ass podcasters. People like @n3f_X can go get fucked. Make sure to steer clear.
LOL wtf r u talking about dumbfuck ... nobody did anything to you ... u r fcking sperging out for no reason calliing people podcasters u r fckin trippin
Then why are you sending your people after me

You're messing with my boy Tyler, nigger. n3f has nothing to do with this. He didn't pay me to come over here and do trolling.

You're a glass cannon. You came out and attacked me for no reason. I spoke up for myself and now you want to cry victim. You're a loser.
@theorytoe @honkwerx @aceattorneybot @Owl @n3f_X @King_Noticer He shows up briefly in Sporked 2: Sporks in Bloody Sporks


Any fat smelly disgusting necrotic nerds in chat
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