I had a dream last night I caught and tamed a big crow
She said "let's do it" ,Tyler.

This is your signal :animu_smug11:
Mountain of Piss sticks on the bathroom counter
He doesn't understand it serves a scientific purpose. And I don't put I on the counter, I put it on the test ledge 👩🏻‍🔬
You have to keep them to compare. For real.

"Hur dee dur, a line is a line"

No, it's not!!!!
The lines all get washy after a few minutes after the test! Take a picture of right after, and then in a couple hours. They'll look different.
You can compare them fresh via picture, and then later dried.

I've been collecting pee sticks for years. A decade even....

But I don't keep them that long, I swear.
You don't pour them in resin picture frames and line your walls with them?
OMG GOALS! I'll have to dig out the positive ones.

I mean the pictures of the positive ones.
You're one in a million. (A funny woman)

I have one of you at home.
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