4p + 1p = 5p
I gotta pass it to you again.
1p + 2p = 3p
I'll attack with Peck, 33Atk, you're now down to 467 strike points.
I now have 0p
PlayerB [500, 0p]
Gained 6p
I'll use peck twice 66Atk
You lose 66 strike points
PlayerB [500, 0p]
Gained 2p = 3p
I'll use peck again,
33 Atk, you lose 33 Strikes
PlayerA [368, 2p]
Gained 4p
I'll use cosmic strike, 165 Atk
You lose 165 Strikes
Seemed to be on the right track, just need to do a little bit of number adjusting. Have the players earn more power per turn on average.

@That-Mushroom Here's the court session

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