Peskov: Putin has decided that the Russian Defense Ministry should be headed by a civilian. The Department should be open to innovation and cutting-edge ideas. It was very important to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the country's economy so that it would match the dynamics.

When the democrats send their brown shirts, the BLM & ANTIFA to our neighborhoods how will we deter them without weapons? Shall we become their slaves and victims? Stop voting for democrats.

Only the left, and the brother of -Cuomo could come up with such an insane statement. Anyone who thinks Asians in the USA are responsible for COVID are all democrat voters and supporters. We all know what race is perpetrating hate crimes against Asians in the cities and they vote 90% democrat. Saying that Asians in the USA are somehow responsible for COVID is synonymous with boycotting Chinese food restaurants because China bombed an US Navy, aircraft carrier. That's the kind of lunacy only a democrat and the left would tolerate.

I agree, make your own Eggshell Calcium Powder. Although I suggest boiling the shells, drying them in your oven at between 150 - 200 degrees Fahrenheit, grinding them up in a coffee grinder and or mortar and pestle then, buy some pharmacy grade "00" or "000" empty capsules and fill them up with your powder and it will go down painlessly.

US nuclear sub met by protests in Norway. are liberals everywhere, aren't they? These people are hardly liberal, I don't even know why we continue to call them that. They're just miserable little whiners and socialist scum to boot. Anyway, one of the protesters was concerned that the nuclear submarine may have nuclear weapons on board. Imagine that. No pal, just water cannons.

I found this article on a subject near and dear to my heart. Although, the author can hardly be taken seriously. I've always been of the opinion that if one can accomplish small tasks well, then there is the potential to attempt larger and larger tasks and do them well too. Here we have a person who writes, in this particular article, of language and linguistics, yet doesn't seem to know the differences between the words know and no. One would assume, that he has read his own article and would have had ample time for corrections to be made. While he/she makes the startling pronouncement that "English is English," one would hope that he/she will eventually realize that, as enlightening as that revelation is, no is not know, except in that movie "Idiocracy." -nazi

Den vise mannen bygger sitt hus på stenar den dåraktiga mannen bygger sitt hus på san. I've just decided that I should learn and . Doing so has led me to Old English as well. I know some would view this approach as biting off more than one can chew, however, I see a relationship between all four Languages, that is, -English, -English, and . I find references to any and all these languages, to only be a benefit and a useful reference tool. I'm not planning on any travel at all, as a matter of fact, I hate to travel. I merely want to learn these three extra languages as a means of discovery. I already love and it's numerous offshoots but I'm suddenly more focused on the traits of the aforementioned group. I'd like to hear from speakers and lovers of the just discussed. Thanks.

Does anyone know what's really going on? Here in the we know that Biden and the are 's toadies. However, it seems as if the is very confused. They actually seem to believe, if one can concur with this article, that Biden wishes to put up obstacles between them and the Chinese market. What a joke. Biden is doing his job as China's maid, very well. Everyone knows that if the US is perceived to be putting pressure on , that they, the EU will do the opposite of whatever the US wants. We all know how much they love us over there. They'll play right into China's hands and frankly that's where they belong, hopefully with Russia giving them a great big bear hug. I for one will never subscribe to the belief that China is the next world king just waiting to take over. Has anyone bought a product made in China lately? Chinese products are crap and sooner or later people will demand quality over cheap knock offs. The point is this, if China is the new coming messiah and the EU can't wait to be saved, the who or what can possibly stop this destiny? Surely not the hapless USA with Joe Biden at the helm. I hope that the next coming war in Europe will see the USA with a strong leader who will gladly sell them whatever they need but will also watch by the sidelines, popcorn and candy in hand. Laughable.

A Prius if you're lucky. They wont be happy until all you fat fucks are riding bicycles and trying not to get run over by their Bentleys. Yes the left hates freedom. , -wingers

The beauty about not watching or listening to the brainwashing media "news", is that I'm frequently late to stories like these, if ever, I even hear about them. What's laughable though, is with all the unconstitutional laws enacted by the State and City's one party democrat run political establishment, one would think that, , especially crimes would be extinct by now. Oh no, I wager that the in the state of New York will blame the states where the right to bear arms are still constitutional, instead of their many failed gun grabbing schemes. They'll play that card until the day that only a few people have the right to defend their lives, while the rest of us are at the mercy of lawlessness and . -more-ammo -you-can-find-them

The , rubbing their palms together, are like,"Excellent!". How can anyone who didn't vote for any democrat, be surprised? To the democrats and the international left, this is mission accomplished.
s-and-border-crisis/ -new-deal, -to-america

South Africa’s largest solar power plant begins construction: What a big deal about nothing at all. I see that there's plenty of misconception to go around, all over. I suppose that everyone needs a bit of fantasy in their lives. The point is, whereas, solar power is a viable, useful source of energy, when it works, it is not suited for long distance transmission. Using DC power has been used since the modern implementation of electricity, it lost then for the aforementioned reason and will lose again. The same can be said for electric vehicles. The trick with using solar energy effectively, is to have it localized to the home or business in which it will be used. I could elaborate, however, why bother. As I have already stated we all need a bit of science fiction in our lives. -power -new-deal

I remember first trying in 1999 I really loved it back then, when it had a few more developers. I'm of the opinion that the BSD projects are going to die eventually. I hope I'm wrong. Anyhow, I installed FreeBSD-14.0-CURRENT on a Raspberry Pi 4B I didn't even have to compile a Kernel since all my devices were discovered. The only thing I didn't like was how the console looked pale and slightly pixelated. Not by much, but just enough for me to hate it. The one thing that I loved about the BSD's back in the day, was just how beautiful the console setup was, with bright white fonts on a perfect black background. It was a nice trip down memory lane though but I wonder if there's a future for the BSD's anymore. Any thoughts? -pi

Can we still post political cartoons without getting cancelled? We'll see. -culture

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