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Kjell-Olof Feldt är död. Han var folklig, med sin arbetaruppväxt, men bidrog till att driva socialdemokratin högerut (kanslihushögern). Under sina sista år ändrade han sig på en avgörande punkt och ansåg att det fria skolvalet var ett stort misstag.

Is This More Evidence Of Biden Crimes?

Just some more proof, if any is needed, that some people are indeed, above the law. The mockingbird media can claim that we're just conspiracy theorist spreading misinformation but this guy, this family, despite them touting the narrative that nobody is above the law, these people know differently. The adage that they're perhaps looking for is, "Nobody is above the law, except us."

The PineNote, capable notetaker, ebook reader and fully fledged e-ink Linux tablet currently aimed at tinkerers and developers.

Currently using one to write the January community update 😉!

P*do teacher sends videos of babies being r*ped: no jail.

Tiktoker insults migrants on a livestream: jail.

Welcome to the UK “Justice system”

BREAKING: Kamala Harris becomes the 1st woman to certify her own election loss


takes deep breath, been doing this a lot today...


passed out from political bliss...again


I 'member the first time I saw this and I laughed and laughed. I mean I still do, but I did then too.

"Luigi? Through those doors, up one level, turn left and it's the third celly on your right. Can't miss it."

Sunny Hostin just compared J6 to the Holocaust, slavery, and WW2.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.