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The potential that the two of them actually had this fight is amusing to me.

What about Fairy Tail fans?

On a side note, Fairy Tail has the best OST to have in the background for... anything. I love listening to it while reading Fairy Tail manga, but it really works for pretty much anything you do.

I was about to make fun of Timmy for his pronunciation of kiwifarms, only to notice the article itself actually wrote it as kivifarms... Mainstream journalism at it's best.

I have reached the end of YouTube. It won't scroll down further. At least now I know where YouTube likes to hide the... undesirables.

I'm sorry, but what the fuck... What's wrong with you people... Who the fuck gets triggered by eye contact, and how bad could it possibly be that you need a content warning...

This just reminds me of another freak I found in YouTube comments once, that demanded a content warning from the Doctor Who show, because they showed the Doctor plucking a strand of hair out of someone's head. I get that there are some really mentally sick people out there, that obsessively pluck their own hair out and end up looking butt ugly because of it. And I understand that for such people, seeing that in a show can trigger the behavior and generally make them uncomfortable, but....

But whether it's the hair thing or the eye contact thing, understand that at best you're 1 in a million people who are actually affected by this. It is not reasonable or normal in any way to demand the entire society accommodate your extremely rare issue.

Grow some metaphorical balls and deal with your issue yourself, because demanding society do it for you is measurably a bigger detriment for mankind.
Why do I say that? Let's do a thought experiment. Measure the energy and time used for 7 billion people to not only get educated on the thousands of niche sensibilities some weirdos have but to also create systems that ensure they are constantly reminded to check against a list of those thousands possible sensibilities before doing anything.
Now measure what it would take for the several thousands of people to go into therapy so they can deal with those sensibilities themselves instead. I promise you, this is by far the more ecologically friendly way of doing things.

I'm sorry that you have some strange psychological issue that makes you experience great discomfort from things the rest of us find mundane. And I honestly have no problem in learning about such conditions, as I would find them interesting. But I absolutely REFUSE to change my behavior on your request, because doing so would mean I'd have to change my behavior to suit thousands of others weird one-off psychological issues, which would then drastically worsen my livelihood, way more than I'd improve yours by avoiding to do a niche thing that one time.

I need a picture with Hinata wearing a beanie. This is the closest thing I've found so far.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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