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Looks like Argentina, the country journalists were bitching about that it's too white, is gonna win the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Fun fact: you cannot tell your friends how much fun you've had while playing Callisto Protocol.

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The Callisto Protocol, a single player game, has rules of conduct... and it's bad.
How has this escaped my notice for so long?!

This goes into the "I'm not even gonna pirate this" category for me.

Or maybe AIs are simple not ideologically cucked enough to deny statistical reality.

Most people in positions of leadership are men.
Most child caregivers are women.
Men are stronger.
The individuals with the highest IQ are men.
Women earn less money.
Men earn more money.

Literally the only one I have an issue with is the cooking one, since we all know the top tier 5 star chefs are also men, not women.

If you don't recognize this game instantly, I'm rescinding your gamer cred.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.