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@icedquinn @Terry
Someone who's such a beta cuck, that he can't even get a gf that can cuckhold him in the first place.

As we all know, you can always download more RAM.
But that begs the question: who is it that uploads the RAM?!

What's this slur about Mexicans that everyone mentions in their reviews of Wakanda Fornever, but no one actually says it? Apparently it has something to do with water.

Prediction: someone is gonna come up with the label "classical socialist" sooner or later.

Have people at least managed to hack the PS5 yet, and maybe install emulators on it? Cause at this point, turning it into an emulation device might be the only useful thing you can do with it.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.