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Tell me you're a complete moron, without telling me you're a complete moron.

>Elon Musk is an engineer

I see someone is an overachiever.

Why, oh why, aren't people taking women's sports serious... I wonder....

random FOSS drama that popped in my feed 

It's a shame, cause it seems it is concerning Asahi Linux, the only distro that support the ARM Macs.

random FOSS drama that popped in my feed 

Yeah... trying to look into this rabbit hole a bit. Can't say I found what this is actually about, but I learned enough to know:
1) it has something to do with Asahi Linux
2) don't use Asahi Linux.
Pretty clear the core devs are pure code-of-conduct cancer, that get their fee-fees hurt.

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random FOSS drama that popped in my feed 

"hostile fork"
What are these people even on about? Have people gone legitimately insane? How the hell is software "hostile"?

And I love the messaging of "don't use the hardware that you bought, because I feel offended by a hostile developer that made a driver for that hardware". Yeah, fuck off.

Also, forking is now "ban evasion" apparently.

Oh, and you shouldn't merge patches that solve actual issues, because it "would legitimize the abusive behaviour".
Lol... "let's cripple our software to own the bigots"....

Pathetic. Give me a good god damn reason why I should jump ship from the infected FOSS hellhole.

It's hard to feel sorry when you hear of stories where the couple initially decided to have an amicable divorce, only for the wife's lawyer to convince her to go for everything the man owns, up to the shirt on his back.

Linux can still be frustratingly stupid sometimes 

The whole Mesa proprietary codecs hardware acceleration debacle is such a mess, and it seems Manjaro literally took the most illogical, inconsistent approach out of all distros currently dealing with this.

From my understanding Fedora basically yeeted everything with a patent from a default install, and they decided Mesa hardware video acceleration for h264/h265 should be a part of that. Fair enough, and consistent with yeeting non-free codecs.

Manjaro also decided to disable hardware video acceleration for patented codecs, but it makes no sense, seeing how non-free codecs ARE included in a default install.

I've read through their forums (which honestly I've rarely had to ever do), and it doesn't seem like anyone understands what the Manjaro team is trying to accomplish. You can't exactly claim you're avoiding a lawsuit as long as you're still including software based decoders for the same non-free video formats.
I've seen people ask numerous times, why disable Mesa h264/h265 capabilities, but include other software that accomplish the same thing, i.e. encoding and decoding those patented formats. But no one gave a clear answer.

GG Linux for shooting yourself in the foot again. Please stop acting surprised as to why people prefer Windows.

The cow hooves videos are making a comeback in my YouTube recommended...

Yup. IIRC, I think the bell curve for men IQ is actually skewed more in the lower end than in the upper. But I didn't feel like adding all that in the initial post. It already felt too long.


My annoyance comes from the fact that whenever one of these AIs comes up to a conclusion someone doesn't like, they immediately scream "bias!". But when you realize that these AI's data sets are usually larger than what we ourselves could process, it becomes obvious that whatever conclusion the AI comes across is a real phenomenon that is occurring IRL.

I'm happy to talk about the phenomenons themselves, and if human discrimination could have caused them. Like if it's sexist that most people assume women do the cooking, or what causes the difference in shape of IQ bell curves between the sexes.

But calling an AI biased for just showing you the complicated nature of humans, just the way we are, is stupid. And a lot of the usual attempts at correcting the AI "bias" are just crude ways of shoving the dirt under the rug, and pretending the AI results don't mirror real life.

If it's for an older device, you have basically 0 chance to get good original batteries.
Experienced it myself, when I changed the battery for an old Samsung phone, did manage to get an original one, but it was basically dead on arrival (can't hold a charge for more than a few hours). Then purposefully bought another one that I knew was gonna be a fake, and it turned out to be good.

One time, just one time, I want to post some shit without someone making a "racial realism" hellthread out of it.

One time, just one time, please. I'm begging you.
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