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I saw a video once of someone doing this with a subway, from the perspective of the runner.

My guess is that he's trying (and failing) once again to make an edgy joke.

@PapaPole @sawa_sama @Frankurino @LackOfEntertainment
Have you ever heard Vee talk about Fediverse? Cause I haven't. Don't think that's the real Vee.

I think I'm gonna try to play this at some point.

Dark Souls Except It's Incredibly Cursed

You should bare with the degeneracy, cause he makes a very interesting point at the end of this.

4chan Vs Californian Devs. The A.I Waifu Lobotomy

We should get Vee to promote you. Maybe that'll help you get those 10k you want.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.