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Latest revelations from the Hololive rabbit hole.

Gura is Senzawa.
Kiara is Keekihime.
Calli is DemonDice.

I wonder how many more of them have their identities known by the community... I'll probably stumble upon them in time, like I did with these.

What are the chances Ye ends up uttering the phrase "Hitler did nothing wrong" at some point?

Soap trusted you!

Shampoo trusted you!
TOOTHPASTE trusted you...
And you betrayed them all!

I think we have a pretty good idea how the average "white" person has/will react to Ye (Kanye) West.

What I don't know though, is how does the average "black" person react?

Was it yesterday that I said I suspected Nick Fuentes was probably manipulating and using Ye?...
Today really reinforced that belief... fucking hell...

The meme network is concerned with animals and insects going in circles...

And people wonder why I don't watch that crap.

Watching Ye sperg out just isn't worth it.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.