Rust is very comfy so far! Wrote what the Rust book suggests writing. If anyone knows Rust better than me please rate this code, it’s probably shit

@fugger See, I don't get why you call this comfy. Similar D code with similar performance and memory-safety would be so much comfier and so much easier to read

@fugger If stdin is closed such as from a ctrl-d read() returns 0 immediately so you get an empty string, otherwise you always have at least a \n

Idk how the rust code handles that

>not a fan of garbage collectors
I thought you liked Go, it's garbage collected. You can disable it in D but then you have to write things a bit more like rust

@applejack I don't plan to use Go for everything Go is simple so I plan to use it for simple projects as a result I will use

Rust if I am doing something like writing a game or backend and Go if I am doing something like idk a fediverse bot
@applejack that or I just use Rust all the time because I enjoy it a lot so fair I haven't played with Go much outside of just examination of the syntax and others code
@applejack I'll have to admit Rust is a bit heavy on how much you have to write out but it's easy to understand once you get the hang of it seems
@applejack Also just like

>Variable shadowing
>Way it handles memory
>Immutable by default
>Expression and statements can be used in interesting ways hard to explain here
>Package manager
>128 bit number support natively probably will never use it just think it's neat combines two 64 bit numbers to my knowledge which basically has negligible proformance hit apparently :P
>Nice compiler errors will often just tell you how to fix the error
>Good ecosystem
>Unsafe code has to be put in unsafe block meaning it's much easier to find possible security vulnerabilities just by searching every instance of "unsafe {"

So fair only thing I hate is
>Have to type a shit ton not really issue in modern IDE
>Type inference
>Slow compile speeds
>Large binaries however can be mitigated quite easily with LTO among other things
@applejack oh yeah another neat thing about Rust is theirs a loop block that just loops forever

You can do this with while(1) but I think loop is more clear and easier to type

@fugger Well, rust yells at you because 1 isnt a bool

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@applejack True is more readable arguably but I would hope every programmer would know 1 = True
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