@Mek101 @dave >civilian attacks an oppressive and terroristic government entity
>only fascists hate the overwhelming force of tyrannical government
You do have a point. I guess he's not really a fascist even though this is "right wing violence"
It's a great video the other day that pointed out that when Mussolini said "fascism can be better called corporatism", the corporation that he referred to was not what we considered to be a corporation, but an incorporation between nationalized industry and labor unions.

In other words, fascism is just another form of socialism.

@sj_zero @dave @Mek101 @Nudhul Fascism doesn't mean nationalisation, it means industry has to explicitly work in the national interest. People owned private businesses and private property, but the state had the authority to oversee it

It was explicitly anti-socialist and anti-communist

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