@zero so true
i set the bsd3 license as my default license in github
@pomstan @MischievousTomato
noooooooo you can only do very specific things with my code you're not free to do what you want :soy_emote:
@pomstan @MischievousTomato remember how gpl stops amazon from renaming projects and basically claiming them as their own, oh wait it doesnt
@zero @pomstan also remember how the gpl stops chinese companies from shitting on it and not sharing the work they do

@MischievousTomato @zero yes, i remember several cases of that. can’t bring up any links though

@pomstan @zero i follow android phone development scenes, and companies like Realme and Xiaomi routinely shit on the gpl. not to mention the smaller ones

@MischievousTomato @zero @pomstan They shit on even explicitly private patents. Lubing your own asshole doesn't make you any less of a faggot

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