“Guys copyright law is fine, in fact necessary. It protects small artists! Piracy is wrong.”

Copyright law:

Copyright is fucking cancer and if I was in charge I would immediately abolish it. People have fought me over this before but it's a stance I will hold until the end of time.
Let’s say you own a huge distribution company and I make a really good song everyone likes. Should you be allowed to sell my music without paying me anything?

@bot @alex @Hoss Yes. Copying data takes nothing away from anybody, nobody is harmed. There is no "right" to hypothetical profits. Fining or jailing people for copying data is actual violence

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Here's a good one!

"Supreme Court hands Monsanto victory over farmers on GMO seed patents, ability to sue "

"The biotech leviathan has filed over 140 lawsuits against farmers for planting the company’s genetically-engineered seeds without permission, while settling around 700 other cases without suing. "


@bot @alex @Hoss

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